We should never forget that we are just as part of nature as the trees around your neighbourhood, or the dolphins on the waves, birds flying, etc. Never detach yourself from this reality, because we are part of the ecosystem. To live a true healthy lifestyle we must always keeps this thought in mind.
How to be one with nature? Well you do not have to go live in the bush, all you need to do is to respect your environment, and for that I do not only mean the external environment, but also what is in your body and spirit. Knowing where your food comes from for example, and knowing that it comes from an organic regenerative farm it is a great start. Not only will you be avoiding all the toxins from pesticides and other chemicals going into your body, but you will also be helping the planet by financing the preservation of good nutritious dense soil. The ecosystem that lives in a healthy soil is as rich and dense as what goes on in your gut, and the two need an optimum synergy to coexist in the best way possible.
In our Holistic Lifestyle Coaching (HLC) we look at all of these factors and lot more that needs to be in balance for you to be healthy and happy. We must find out everything you do in your day to day life, from sleep, diet, work, social life, family, romantic life and your history, this is so very important to really understand why you might be out of balance or experiencing any sort of sickness or injury.
The whole HLC approach is based on learning to listen to what your body is trying to say, not to numb up your pain with pills that only address the pain and not the root cause of what is going on in your body. We need to bring you back in synch with yourself and nature.