Me second Session with a Jungian Analyst (Mindful)
After a long wait trying to organize a suitable time for my sessions, we finally managed to lock in a day a week, every week starting now.
I must say before I begin, that I will not go into too much details about my life as I want to keep my life as private as possible, as we all have stuff to deal with that you should not have to share with everyone. In saying that, I will still give good insights on how the therapy works and what I am working on, as I go along. In a way, this feels like journaling my experience with this therapy, which is very helpful as well as the therapy itself.
“Life really does begin at forty. Up until then, you are just doing research..”
No Botox here, it takes a lot of work to accept what ageing brings, but I am still working on it daily.
It was great seeing my Analyst today, and again his approach to therapy is nothing you would expect from your traditional psychologist. I must point out though, that my Jungian Analyst is also a Psychiatrist with a PhD. I am just saying this, as for all the people out there that does not think Jungian Analysts are legit, here we have a full qualified Doctor, that chooses to be an Analyst.
He asked me again, what I would like to work on and what I would like to start with. I said everything I feel I need to work on to be a more integrated person and less distracted by mundane, physical needs and desires. I also said that now entering my second half of life, I truly want to work on my self to have the wisdom of an old Sage as I grow older. But the process to achieve that would have to be his call, like shadow work, active imagination or dream analysis, etc.
He said the main goal of any type therapy, is to get the individual to become more Empathetic and Mindful. As to me, it sounds like you have to find that balance of doing the inner work and being compassionate towards others and the outer world itself.
He then asked me about my family and childhood history(pretty standard), and he let me speak freely until I run out of words. He wanted to know what my latest dreams were, luckily I have been journaling my dreams for over a year. So I wanted to bring up some old dreams that had some big significances in my waken physical life, but then told him my 2 dreams from the previous night as well.
My first dream I dreamed with a known pro surfer, surfing in a spot that is very special to me, then we were hanging out afterwards and being friends and having great chats.
The other dream, it was with my brother back in my original home town in Brazil, and we went to a construction site where my brother worked. I remember that a long and steep gravel drive way was being built, and I remember looking at it and thinking how slippery that would be when wet.
My Analyst just smiled and said, at least your unconscious wanted to be friends with you (meaning the pro surfer), this is always a good thing. This gave me an instant click of what he meant, and it felt great.
We did discuss about romantic relationships also, and he said something, that really made a lot of sense. That after that passionate loving phase of the relationship is over and the feelings get a bit stagnated, and a lot of people get bored and start looking elsewhere for that passionate rush, When those lenses of passion and love are gone, that is when the real work starts to get to know the other person you are in a relationship. This is because we are no longer blind folded by these crazy passionate love lenses.
I thought this was just so simply put but so amazingly true, that is why I wanted to end this blog in a such a high. See you all on the next Blog.
Love and chi