Power of Love
The power of love is well documented throughout human history, and even though science minded people sometimes like to deny how real this energy is, they cannot say it does not exist as we all feel love for something in our lives, at same stage. This energy is channeled in lots of different ways in our Holistic Lifestyle Coaching and we encourage everyone to bring this incredible healing energy into our lives, every day and in many different situations that you would not normally use it.
I do not follow any Religion, I find that it usually separate us from the collective power that humanity has, as different cultures and religions differ in many teachings. But the one thing all religions agree on, is that Love unify us all.
Paul Chek give us a great tool using this amazing power when dealing with a bad argument and disagreement with another person. Paul says “Just before you go off and lose your temper in a bad situation, just ask yourself: “What would love do now?” Then stop and feel the Love for the other person. You will be amazed to see how empathetic you will become, and the problem will become a lot smaller than originally thought.
“Experience is not What happens to you; it’s what you do with what happens to you.”
How about, when you wake up the next morning, you say it to yourself “I love my life” loud and clear. I am certain that your day will be great, and if you have some problems coming at you, just repeat it.